Friday, June 28, 2024

Offering Programme in Shipping and Logistics and Mapping it with NSDC | A Report

Offering Programme in Shipping and Logistics and Mapping it with NSDC

Meeting on 28th June 2024 | A Report

A special meeting with HoDs was convened on 28th June 2024, to discuss the modalities on offering the Diploma Course in Shipping and Logistics.

SCE already offers a diploma programme in Logistics. Considering J-Ark’s interest, they had initially prepared a proposal for a postgraduate diploma in Shipping and Logistics, along with a tentative curriculum.

However, during the meeting, the idea of a regular meeting gained traction. This would allow more students to enroll, compared to a postgraduate diploma which would be restricted to students who already have a bachelor’s degree. An additional benefit of the diploma course is the potential for placement opportunities for graduates.

Plan of Action

Actionables have been classified under four heads based on the discussion

I Curriculum Design and Development

* To offer Diploma in Shipping and Logistics in the place of Post graduate diploma

* Choose 6 papers per semester total 12 papers in 1 year of diploma

* Each paper 60 -90 hours comprising of 4-6 credits

* Assessment (Internal and External)

* LOCF pattern

* Syllabus to be passed in the Academic Council

Papers to fall in the following category

Core areas 4 per sem (suggestive core areas include: Multi-modal transportation, Warehouse, Inventory management, Export Import documentation, Global/International trade regulations, Sustainability measures, Technology in Logistics, Analytics)

Computer skills: MS Excel and MS office - 1 each sem

Foreign language skills: Korean Language Level 1 and Level 2 - 1 each sem

* To include internship, Capstone project, hands on experience in logistics back end technology, Industrial visit, Export imports documentation and procedures

II Operational Cost

Cost determinants

Curriculum development cost

Faculty salaries

• No. of faculty - inhouse, industry experts and Professors of Practice and Korean lectures

Remuneration to be fixed in graded manner

Administrative expenses

Resources -text books, library books,

Techology and software cost: subscription of online resources, cost/renewal of software license

* Promotion expenses

* Electricity and other infrastructure charges

* Conveyance charges - Jarc visit, industrial visit

Course Fee fixation

Fix Course fee

◦ The course to function in 2 batches to facilitate both aided and SFS students

III Infrastructure

Classrooms for 2 batches in morning as well as afternoon

Lab facilities

Administrative office

Staff room for faculty

IV Marketing and Promotion

Website development and maintenance.

* Advertising and promotional materials (brochures, flyers, online ads).

* Target group - Students of BCom (Aided), BCom (SFS) and BBA,BA (Economics)

* Scholarship, discount and offers 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Study Abroad Fair @ MCC | Freshers' Orientation June 2024


Semester-Abroad Programme at LeTourneau University | Second Call

25th June 2024

Dear Students,

Happy to know that many of you have expressed interest in the Semester Abroad Programme.

Please note the following particulars.

Go through each line very carefully before you go ahead and apply for the Programme –

In order to admit students to LeTourneau for Fall 2024 and create students’ I-20s, please complete and submit the following documentation:

Before filling up the Application Form, make sure you have the following handy with you -

Two Academic Reference Forms from 2 different university professors or advisors (attached)

Official college transcripts (minimum GPA of 2.5)

Statement or Essay about why you want to come to LETU

Official English certificate (Sample attached)

Financial Support Verification (a bank statement or letter from a bank or employer showing at least $8,500 as bank balance)

Color copy of passport page

Many program coordinators will collect these documents and send them all together in one packet by email.

Students will need to provide proof of finances to cover $8,500 for one semester (5 months). This is the amount that the visa officer will use when considering whether or not students can actually afford to come and study at our university.

Added Suggestions from Officials at Le Tourneau University for our Students

Our partners also usually start mapping classes based on our Fall 2023 course listing.  Please know that students may take up to 17 credits without any tuition charge. 

Students may take online classes as long as they take a minimum of 9 credits on campus (Offline) and a minimum of 12 credits overall. When our Fall 2024 course listing becomes available in October, the course list may be finalized. Please find here our on campus Fall 2023 class listing.

Please find here our offline Fall 2023 class listing.

Also, LeTourneau is very generous in that it allows students to take up to 17 credits per semester without charging anything extra. 

Of course this is a very heavy load and students seldom take advantage of this, but this option does exist. We would like their updated transcripts when available, especially for the current semester.  

A place I would suggest they look at is the course offerings from our university.  These differ every semester. Here is a link to our course listings for the Fall semester:

You can check our course catalog for a description of each course and if the students meet the prerequisites:

The value of credits is the last digit in the course number.

They to take at least 12 credits - 3 of these credits can be online courses.  Here is a link to our online courses:

Dean of International Programmes


Monday, June 24, 2024

Semester-Abroad Programme with LeTourneau University | First Call

24th June 2024

[For Current Students of MCC]

Dear Students,

Sub: First Call for Semester-Abroad Programme with Le Tourneau University, TX – Reg.

Please go through the Course Listings for the Fall Semester with Le Tourneau University, TX, as part of the Semester-Abroad Programme.

Selected students [15] are expected to be at Le Tourneau University, TX, on 19th August 2024, and so we intend to speed up the process of shortlisting and scrutiny of applications.

Please remember that selected students have to take at least nine credits on campus at Le Tourneau. The rest could be online. For a minimum of 12 credits. They also need the approval of Prof. Suma Jayakar for these classes. So as soon as you get a course listing, you can forward it to Prof. Suma Jayakar at

Also, you need to look at the dates and times that these classes are offered, and if the dates are available.

Please email us in case of any doubts or clarifications.

Thank you. 

Deanery of International Programmes


Friday, June 21, 2024

Semester-Abroad Programme with Appalachian State University - First Call

21st June 2024

Incoming Exchange Student Information

[Only for students of MCC]

For Appalachian State University, North Carolina, US

Appalachian State University welcomes students of Madras Christian College to study at Appalachian!

For Students who are interested in studying at App State in the Spring 2025 semester.

The student deadline to apply is 15th October 2024.

Note: Students are first nominated by their home institution using a web form. After official nomination the EA office will activate the online application and the students will be notified of login details by email. Students do not need to mail in application documents.

Interested students, kindly get in touch with the Deanery of International Programmes by writing to for further updates.

For more information, please visit their website at

Deanery of International Programmes

Madras Christian College

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Value-Added Certificate Course in Korean Language at MCC

21st June 2024

16th June 2024

Dear Students [Past & Present],

Gear up for the Value-Added Certificate Course in Korean Language to be offered by the MCC-School of Continuing Education.

Value Added courses are career and market oriented, and they are skill-enhancing courses that empower and enrich the students beyond their domain of study, thus enhancing their employability.

This Value-Added Certificate Course (60 Hrs) on Korean Language is intended to offer global mobility, and placements for current and past students.

Prof. Hwarang Lee will be the Course Teacher.

Details of the Course will be provided by MCC-SCE shortly.

-Deanery of International Programmes



Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Rendezvous with University of Valley Forge @ MCC

12th June 2024

Faculty and students from the University of Valley Forge, Philadelphia, visited MCC on a two-day visit – 8th & 12th June 2024.

On 12th July 2024, at 10 am, they had an Interaction with Principal and Officials of the College in the Council Room [IACS, Dean R & D, VP-SFS, DSA, Dean & Associate Dean IP, faculty of Dept of BBA, Director SLP, Dept. of Psychology, Student Counsellors, Dept of Physics (SFS) and officials of the College] with presentations, coordinated by Dean IP.

This was followed by a visit to the MMIP, hosted by Dr. Aarti and team, and the Visit to MCC Boyd Tandon School of Business, coordinated by Dr. Rajasingh.

After that, they visited to the Heber Hall and Heber Chapel, coordinated by Dr. Joshua Jayaseelan.

At 1.45 pm, our guests had lunch with our Principal, Guests and Officials in the International Guest House.

At 3 pm, they visited MCC RSL School for Interaction with teachers of the School, coordinated by Dr. Caroline Victoria, in RSL School Premises.

They wound up their visit, by visiting MCC Campus School, coordinated by Dr. Saira Banu Robert, in Campus School Premises.

Employment Visa Checklist


Saturday, June 8, 2024

Interaction with Elmhurst University | MCC

8th June 2024

Dr. Venkatesh Gopal, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Physics, Elmhurst University, had a fruitful discussion on collaborating with the Department of Physics in particular, in the Conference Room, IGH, on a host of areas that we had already discussed in our preliminary meeting HERE.

We eagerly look forward to engage with Dr. Venkatesh in the months ahead.

Dr. Selvakumari, Dr. Hannah Clarah among others were present on the occasion.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Preliminary Meeting for Rendezvous with Dr. Venkatesh, Elmhurst University

3rd June 2024

The Deanery of IP organized a preliminary meeting today in the Council Room ahead of the visit of Dr. Venkatesh, Elmhurst University, to MCC [on 8th June 2024].

Presenting below the minutes of the meeting.

Members Present

Dr. Samuel Asirvatham, HoD, Physics (Aided)

Dr. Hannah Clara, HoD, Physics (SFS)

Dr. Mahalakshmi, Dean of Sciences

Dr. Selvakumari, Dept of Physics

Dr. Samuel Rufus, Dean of International Programmes

The meeting began with the opening prayer by Dr. Mahalakshmi, Dean of Sciences.

Dr. Selvakumari who has visited Elmhurst in the past noted that, Elmhurst’s University is a very sylvan campus with a pleasant weather all year. Fall Semester would be a bit more of chilly for students, and so Spring Semester could be preferred. The University has good connections with a host of other famous Institutions, renowned scientists and Nobel laureates, she noted.

Approximately 12 students have expressed their interest in the Semester Abroad programme with Elmhurst University (Six from Day and six from SFS).

It was suggested by the faculty members that the following ten points be taken up with Dr. Venkatesh during his visit to MCC.

1. Budget to be clearly presented. Travel grants or fee subsidies would be a great help for our students, since not many can afford the fee structure of Elmhurst.

2. The full syllabus content to be taken up for discussion with Dr. Venkatesh.

3. Preferably IV or V Semester would be better, since it suits and maps with their course content at Elmhurst. If it’s in the IV Semester, then, students need to do a crash course [like students who went to Le Tourneau did] for their Part I, Part II Course requirements. For V Semester, these requirements are not there.

4. As regards the 2 + 2 Programme offered by Dr. Venkatesh at Elmhurst, it was suggested that, we can offer a Diploma for two years with the School of Continuing Education, (similar to the MoU with University of Newcastle) to facilitate the lateral entry for the next two years with Elmhurst, for students to earn their degree.

5. If it’s going to be 3+1 programme, would it be feasible for our students to complete their three-year degree programme in MCC, and then join their fourth year in Elmhurst’s to gain an additional degree? If so, a Bridge Course is needed for our students to join their Fourth year there.

6. The Course Fee and Accommodation Fee should also be discussed.

7. Do the selected students have the opportunity to work part-time at Elmhurst’s? If so, for how many hours a month, and will it help them manage their finances?

8. What are the ‘market prospects’ for the programme offered by Elmhurst?

9. Will Elmhurst University help in facilitating Visa processing for our students?

10. It was also suggested that Faculty exchange and student exchange be discussed during his visit.